Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Carington update

Carington continues to amaze us with how well she is doing. She does love to be held a lot and is sometimes nervous or scared of other adults, but overall she is adusting wonderfully. She is so social and loves her brothers. She is begining to allow her grandparents to hold and play with her more, (vs. always insisting on having mama). She tries to mimick everything that Noah says and she is not intimidated by him in the least. She eats everything in sight and will not stop eating until the food is taken away. Even then she will clean up the floor of anything that may have fallen! She has gained about 3 lbs since being home. Thats an almost 20% increase! She is crawling much faster and will stand at the sofa when placed in that position, but cannot pull to stand on her own.

We are absolutely crazy about this little girl. I have had several people remark that they have never seen me this happy. And truely, I don't think I've ever been this happy. It is largely due to her, but I think that it is also due to having my family complete. For so long I had a child that wasn't mine, while the child that was mine was all the way across the ocean. I cannot describe the peace in my heart, knowing that this is my family, and unless heaven interupts, that it isn't going to change. These kids are my kids and they will stay that way. And I couldn't be happier about it!


  1. Beautiful! So happy to see this update. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my. Every time I see more pictures of Carington, it makes my heart swell and ache at the same time. She's so adorable and you all are so blessed... and we are too - we just don't know by whom yet. :) Lord, haste the day!
